I have many dreams. I want to: finish my degree, help people with obesity and nutrition challenges, be a high-performance coach, compete in fitness competitions, and start my own gym.


Hello, my name is Elena. I am 22 years old. I like to exercise, sing, dance, and paint.

They kidnapped me when I was 17 years old. For 2 months they exploited me sexually. They completely destroyed me. They broke my dreams and trampled my dignity. I never thought I would be rescued. I arrived at Fundación Camino a Casa, a temporary shelter, where they helped me in many areas.

Over time, God helped me heal many wounds that I had. I dreamed again, and I finished high school at the Tecnológico de Monterrey.



I then transitioned to the Reintegra program. I entered the university to continue with my studies with a degree in Sports and Health Sciences. I have many dreams. I want to: finish my degree, help people with obesity and nutrition challenges, be a high-performance coach in different sports, compete in fitness competitions, and start my own gym. In addition, I would like to study abroad in Spain to broaden my horizons and the vision for my career. For future academic endeavors, I would like to obtain a graduate degree in nutrition.

Recently, I decided to take a break from studying to spend time building my own family. I hope that one day I can continue my studies. I still think of Reintegra as my family and often participate in Reintegra events and receive counseling from Reintegra’s staff.

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My ultimate dream would be to a chef and serve homeless people. I want to serve with my culinary arts.



I was a victim of human trafficking at the age of 11. Through Reintegra’s support, I came to dream again. One of my biggest dreams right now is to start and finish high school. I transitioned to housing provided by Reintegra to help me gain independence while I start working on my high school certification. 

After high school, I want to continue my studies in culinary arts, as well as beverage preparation. I enjoy cooking and want to serve my creations to others. Specifically, I want to specialize in pastry arts and be a recognized chef. I have a dream to serve homeless people with my culinary creations.

Michelle decided to take a break from Reintegra in order to spend more time with her family. We are here to support Michelle if she decides she wants to continue her studies in our program.


My dream is to bring beauty and wholeness to the world.



At the age of 13,  I was living with the adopted daughter of my step-father. She was a prostitute that offered her services through newspaper ads. For three years, she exploited me sexually and physically. I had to do all of her house cleaning and take care of her five children.  I was also trafficked for sex in hotels all over Mexico City.  

One day, I was able to gain freedom with the help of a young hotel employee.  He hid me in the laundry closet and helped me escape in a taxi.  The authorities then sent me to live at the  Fundación Camino a Casa shelter where I was able to finish studying all of my basic education.  After that, I was taken in by Reintegra where I have received support with my professional studies.

In 2018, I got married and gave birth to a little girl in March of 2019. My first dream is to be a good mom and wife and then one day return to school and finish my college education. I hope to use my passions and gifts to bring healing to the world.

Mixi and her husband and daughter are currently learning to live on their own. Mixi remains part of our family and as she one day desires to continue her studies, we want be there to support her.